
We create LANDINGS,
that help
businesses grow!

Rockit knows how to attract the attention of a potential customer and quickly turn it into a customer.
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Our landing pages
solve three main

Following AIDA technology
Tell the essence
of your product or service
clearly and concisely
Strongly articulate
the benefits
"Pushing" the client
motivating him to make
an order or leave
his contacts
The result
Hot leads and sales

Why do our Landing pages SELL?

There are four reasons for that
We analyze your competitor's online sales
Forewarned is forearmed. Knowing the techniques your competitors use, we understand what your landing page should be look like, including the USP (unique selling proposition), advantages and structure of the offer.
Diving into your business and user experience.
We take apart the offer itself and the mechanics of your work with clients so that the landing page sells. Only in this case the applications will not get lost, you will have high conversion and your visitors will understand exactly what advantages they will get from your offer.
We make a wireframe.
You won't know unless you try it, right? We will make a functional wireframe of your site, using which you can evaluate its sales potential. Powerful, punchy texts, concise structure, logic of interaction with the visitor - it's all there.
Design, layout, programming.
Captivating and eye-catching design, correct display on all gadgets and all browsers, fast loading time and debugged functionality - the site is ready to bring you profit! We do not use ready-made templates, everything is done according to your wishes and unique corporate identity.

Our works

We've rounded up our iconic NDA-free projects from a variety of disciplines so you can get to know the best of them.

See all works

the site is YOURS! 100%

You can easily manage its content. You can add new text, photos, add items to the menu in a couple of minutes - everything works on WordPress.

Need something special in the design?Any specialist will comfortably and easily implement your ideas.
Even if it's not us :(

You get:
  • Fast sales. Traffic to the landing page will start converting into orders as soon as the contextual advertising launches.
  • Gradual development of the site. 1 landing page - 1 service. We will gradually fill the corporate site with pages of services - landings, blog and additional pages
  • Ability to quickly test marketing hypotheses and add new services.

How much is it?

Strong and robust
  • Competitors analysis and marketing tune-up
  • Development of conversion structure and powerful texts
  • Design mockup
  • Launch the site, integrate analytics, set up protection
Full set
  • All from the "Strong and robust" set
  • Corporate identity development
  • Development of a wireframe before design
  • Integration with Wordpress for manual content management
I want Full stuffing
From 3 000 $
Let's set up an advertising campaign!
Get an estimate
We will offer structure options and examples of how it can be implemented for free!
on the structure of the future landing page
Or contact us at Telegram or WhatsApp

How long will it take?

«It always takes longer than you expect.»Murphy's Third Law

That's why we always talk about terms beginning from two weeks

What can increase the terms?
Contract approval and signing
Availability of photos/videos of the required quality to be posted on the site
Prompt feedback on edits and comments
The complexity of the work performed


online with Rockit

Now is the time!

Our landing pages are generators of the leads flow: you only have to take them warm!
Book the landing page
The result will be awesome!
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Or contact us at Telegram or WhatsApp
Any questions?
We'll answer any!
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