#Digital Marketing

Storozhenko & Partners Law Company


The challenge

Increase client confidence and boost sales of the law firm. How to do it? Ask us: to achieve the result, the positioning vector was changed from bankruptcy to the full range of legal assistance, leaving bankruptcy as the main service. It took a lot of time and effort to accomplish the task, but the goals were achieved!
The challenge
Increase client confidence and boost sales of the law firm. How to do it? Ask us: to achieve the result, the positioning vector was changed from bankruptcy to the full range of legal assistance, leaving bankruptcy as the main service. It took a lot of time and effort to accomplish the task, but the goals were achieved!


Created a concise, solid and 100% customer-facing corporate identity.
We created a sales funnel of 5 interactive landing pages - for each of the popular services of the company.
Developed and launched a PR-campaign with a variety of activities, including appearances on the radio, media publications of articles and expert opinions.
Adapted the site for all types of devices - desktops, tablets, smartphones.


The design of a corporate style is always associated with the work on several design options. Designers had to work hard: we developed 4 concepts with different key visuals, among which the client chose the appropriate - concise, capacious, most fully consistent with the idea of the importance of professional activities of qualified lawyers.

Logo design

The logo is the embodiment of positioning and visual packaging of the key brand parameters. To develop its variants we used the most striking semantic associations with the strengths and values of the client company.

Concept 1: "Watchtower". The consonance of the name of the company's CEO and the embodiment of the key brand value - "we are always on the lookout for our clients' interests".

Concept 2: "The Three Musketeers". Refers to reliability and camaraderie, emphasizing the professional partnership in the company name - Storozhenko & Partners.

Concept 3: "Chess and Fortress." Chess is the game of strategists, wise men, and legal experts. What else could symbolize a winning path in the legal business? Defense and chivalry - the rook fortress and the officer - were suited to pack the meanings into the visuals in the best possible way.

Concept 4: "Watchtower and legal document." The option combines the symbolism of protecting the interests of the client and literally confirms his professional affiliation with the legal services.


We decided on a variant of the logo, including the name of the company. Concept 3 was chosen as the main one to be used in the corporate identity.




Headlines Warnock Pro Semibold
Warnock Pro Bold
Text Montserrat Regular
Montserrat Semibold
Montserrat Bold
Warnock Pro


We developed the structure, the mechanics of interaction with visitors, and worked out the logic. It was decided to shift the positioning exclusively on bankruptcy to a wider range of legal services and create useful information for potential clients, which generates huge organic traffic.


Offers - available, PPM - formulated, triggers - prescribed, killer CTA - loaded, and the resource itself is integrated with CRM. Clear and to the point: this is how sales websites of law firms should be!

Google Pagespeed

Site load speed is excellent, Google pagespeed in the green zone


The site is in the top 10 positions in the search engines for a variety of target queries and keys. SEO optimization was performed, which brought the client additional organic traffic. Attendance exceeded 2000 unique visitors per day, the number of leads increased many times - and this is for a narrow niche of legal services!

Without a presence in the info-field and brand awareness, it's not realistic to expect sales growth. That's why we organized an additional PR campaign with a variety of activities, including appearances on the radio, holding business breakfasts, regular publication of articles and expert opinions on authoritative platforms, such as Klerk.ru.

Comprehensive promotion of Rockit helped "Storozhenko & Partners" to get into the top 50 federal ranking of law firms pravo.ru.

Sergey Storozhenko
We have been working with Sergey since the creation of our company. We have made several websites, various integration services. All tasks are always performed, no matter how complicated they may be. I recommend!

Thank you for your attention!

Let's do it like this?
Now's the time!