#Digital Marketing


Still working

Getting mining and metals industry analytics with news, innovations, jobs, and more

MiningMD is the only web service that collects important data from the entire mining industry. Tens of thousands of companies have gained an easy tool for system analytics and innovation tracking. Metal prices, technology, vendors, manufacturers of innovative solutions, and reports are now readily available to anyone interested in the mining industry. And it's all made in Rockit from scratch.
Still working
Getting mining and metals industry analytics with news, innovations, jobs, and more
MiningMD is the only web service that collects important data from the entire mining industry. Tens of thousands of companies have gained an easy tool for system analytics and innovation tracking. Metal prices, technology, vendors, manufacturers of innovative solutions, and reports are now readily available to anyone interested in the mining industry. And it's all made in Rockit from scratch.

The solution

We communicated with top managers and directors closely, so that the product would meet expectations.
We took the familiar corporate interface as a basis, but updated it to consider the target audience's peculiarities.
In the process, we developed 7 versions of the product and tested them on a focus group to determine the optimal functionality and interface.
Developed and implemented their own information retrieval system, which collects and processes data from thousands of resources.
Together with the client we formed a strategy to promote the service on the international market.


To keep the interface simple for the user, we have studied hundreds of user scenarios and reactions to specific or other functions. As a result, the UX/UI looks completely logical, reducing the time it takes to get to know the functionality.

Advanced interface

The design is also not without innovation. When the user first opens the site, he will immediately see familiar tools, just like on any trade monitor. The only difference is that in MiningMD the tools are created specifically for the Target Audience of the mining industry. And in a much larger volume. And thanks to the thoughtful structure and testing functionality, the tools are arranged compactly and intuitively. Even a new user will quickly find what he needs to work.

What did the client come with?

It all started with an idea. Then the Rockit team grew the idea into a brand new and ready to be fully working product.

  • Monopolarity of data. The information was published by major players who are interested in promoting their own achievements.

  • Limitations in analytics. Small and new industry players could not access analytics, including technical reports and cross-referencing.

  • Fragmentation of publications. There was no coherent environment for independent information on the mining sector.

  • Lack of available independent evaluation. Stocks and market analytics were selling for a lot of money, even if it was basic data.

Innovations in the Result

Functional news aggregator for the mining industry

None of the existing services met the needs of industry experts until MiningMD was developed. Now the user not only has access to publications from all over the world but can also filter entries by geography, metals, companies, and news tone.

In addition, the service provides an interface for the editor to write, edit and translate analytical reviews based on the thousands of sources to which MiningMD is connected. Semantic search and multi-factor selection of similar publications are also available.

Innovation Module: Technologies, Vendors, New Projects

To ensure that users have unlimited access to innovation, MiningMD has developed an open platform with data on all technologies, vendors, and implemented projects.

Any enterprises, projects, and technologies are supplemented with news data and expert analytics. This solution helps to keep a finger on the pulse of the mining industry and react to changes faster than others.

Price charts, news summary, and analytics

The problem was that metal prices depend on many factors: the news background, projects being implemented by large companies, and the political and economic situation. Most of this data is either not freely available or the user has no way to download it.

The Rockit team solved these problems, and now MiningMD offers an actual price chart with the ability to display dependencies and factors affecting these indicators.





  • Text Roboto regular
  • Headings Roboto Black
Roboto regular Mining
Roboto Black MD
The grid

Quality at every level

The site is adjusted to all devices and is fully optimized for indexing by all search engines. In addition, MiningMD integrates up-to-date security solutions to minimize the vulnerabilities of the service.
Home page
Additional pages

Google Pagespeed

Site load speed is excellent, Google pagespeed in the green zone

The project

At the start, it was hard to imagine that MiningMD would be so important to the industry. We were solving one problem after another, and then it turned out that we had created a product that impacted the entire mining infrastructure.

No matter how complex or simple your project may seem, contact us. Let's discuss. Let's think about it. Sometimes seemingly simple tasks grow into innovations of international importance, and complex projects are solved quickly and cheaply.

Eugene Levashov

As a professional in the metals and mining industry, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Rockit on the development of an information portal website for the sector, miningmd.com. The scope of the project required extensive IT development and support, and Rockit proved to be an invaluable partner throughout the entire process.

Rockit provided crucial assistance in choosing the optimal IT architecture and carried out all necessary front- and backend work, as well as design. During the project, Sergey was readily available to provide support whenever required. Miningmd.com is currently in the process of transitioning from MVP to full-scale operations, and I am confident that with Rockit's expertise and guidance, the transition will be seamless.

I highly recommend Rockit's IT development services to anyone seeking reliable and high-quality IT support. Based on my experience, I will continue to engage their services in the future.

Thank you for your attention!

Let's do it like this?
Now's the time!