
Foreclosure Prevention Сenter

Urgent redemption of houses that are in bank foreclosure

The challenge

The development of the landing, logo and corporate identity in an informative, concise manner - all taking into account the specifics of design and behavioral factors traditional for the American market. The main purpose of the site is to generate a flow of leads and collect contact data for further processing by managers.
The challenge
The development of the landing, logo and corporate identity in an informative, concise manner - all taking into account the specifics of design and behavioral factors traditional for the American market. The main purpose of the site is to generate a flow of leads and collect contact data for further processing by managers.

The solution

Developed a concise informative structure of the site, offer, sales pitch, key benefits and triggers that solve the problem of filling out the visitor contact form.
Simply and clearly formulated step by step order of the visitor to the site, reflecting it visually.
Developed branding, which are used not only on the site, but also for printed promotional products: business cards, brochures, letterheads, etc.


Logo design

This market has its own specifics in the perception of visual identity. We were ready for such a challenge: our team constantly monitors design trends in order to offer clients new, original solutions.


Graphik LCG Regular
Graphik LCG Light
Graphik LCG Bold




The developed site is fully adapted for display on all types of mobile devices and optimized for all search engines.

Google Pagespeed

Site load speed is excellent, Google pagespeed in the green zone

Alex Veremeenko

Thank you for your attention!

Let's do it like this?
Now's the time!