External SEO efforts are mainly focused on external links, i.e., the links located on other sites but leading to yours. Internal optimization, on the other hand, is a process of adjusting your content to the algorithms of search engines to make sure they recognize your site as best suited for the user’s needs.
If you don’t know how to do it, read the instructions below and start getting your first conversions right now!
- Create Sitemap.xml
- Create Robots.txt
- Write your meta tags
This is basically a map for the search engine crawlers to collect data about your site. No map means no info and leads to zero ranking results. So, make sure you have one. Some platforms create these maps automatically. If yours doesn’t, do it yourself or get help from a dedicated expert.
While Sitemap.xml is a map for crawlers, Robots.txt is a list of the milestones along their route that crawlers need to tell a search engine about. For this “report” to be more effective, be sure to give the site a thorough “cleanup” and hide the pages that are not to be indexed by search engines. Once that’s done, further development and support of the site will be much easier.
Another signpost for the crawler is a meta tag. It describes the website content and its subject matter, thus helping to structure the search results. Of course, crawlers mostly rely on the content itself to evaluate the page’s relevancy, but meta tags also play an important role here.
The above steps give a comprehensive overview of the site’s preparation for external optimization. If you still don’t know where to start or have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask us. We’ll be sure to provide you with all the answers, advice, and help, if necessary.