How to increase a service-selling site conversion rate?

When it comes to selling services, there are certain peculiarities about site launching we often forget to address. For you to avoid the pain of missing out on clients, we’ve put together a few common mistakes and tips on how to fix them. These will lead you all the way to sales growth!

  • People simply don’t understand what you offer them. Confusing and unclear offer wording is a real problem for niche businesses. This is particularly bad for the legal, accounting, tax, investment, and IT industries. These tend to overuse specific terminology that website visitors may not understand.

    How do you fix that?

    When writing the offer, make sure you use simple, human-readable language. After all, your target audience is not narrow experts. It’s other people who want to buy their services. For example, try using “you will pay less tax” instead of “optimize your tax costs” and “minimize your risks” instead of “diversify your portfolio with government bonds”.

  • People don’t trust you. The grounds here may differ from quite reasonable (poor quality content, lack of certificates or licenses) to purely subjective – for example, if someone doesn’t like your CEO’s picture.

    How do you fix that?

    Try to find out and eliminate the underlying cause of mistrust. One of the ways to do this is to run a focus group test. The must-haves include licenses/certifications, proof of expertise, business cases, videos, and the proper content. As for the less obvious, get rid of all promotional popups and video autoloading. And make sure you have an SSL certificate.

  • The info in your ads and the actual offer don’t match. What a person does if they click on the “cheap accounting advice” ad and bump into premium-segment, overpriced services? Of course, they leave the site right away. Many times, this mistake occurs when you have your ads composed automatically when setting up your advertising campaign. A single word added by a bot can drastically change a visitor’s expectation. Another thing to worry about is a key request for a service that you no longer provide. For example, a lawyer can focus solely on one legal field, while ads will keep showing him or her as a multi-field specialist.

    How do you fix that?

    Never underestimate the importance of setting up an advertising campaign. Always make sure that your offer coincides with the text of your ads. And finally, conduct regular audits of your advertising campaigns to timely adjust the range of services you offer.

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